By the end of 2008 The Bootcamp Club was the first party to bring Bootcamp to The Netherlands. Bootcamp Training is an exercise method based on the training routines used by the US Army. With military discipline and persistence the instructors subject the participants in group sessions to an intense full body workout. No luxury and without appliances. The Bootcamp Club expanded to different locations in The Netherlands. Amongst others the Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Amersfoort, Ape
What can we go ahead and do? Whoever we are and whatever we do, through the Bright-method we all can be Mr. or Mrs. Brightside
This will result in a stronger social teamwork with the commitment of your own talent and improved skills. Close cooperation will lead to optimal functioning from which we ultimately all will profit.
Primo Passo is Italian for the first step. The first step to a better fysical and mental health. I provide 1-on-1 personal training @home or @work. I have a special proteïn diet plan to lose weight quickly and responsibly. Intake is free of charge. Call Anita
ORESTI'S Taverna is a Mediterranean café-restaurant situated in the Amsterdam “De Pijp” area. De Pijp is known for its famous Albert Cuyp market and lots of fine restaurants and local shops.
While most tapas restaurants only carry Spanish cuisine, Orestis serves fantastic flavourous tapas and wines from many Mediterranean countries .
Entering into the tranquil atmosphere of a Soap Treatment Store, you are stepping out of the tension and stress of daily life to take some time just for yourself. Here you will be cared for by people, treatments and products of the highest quality.The treatments offered in our SOAP Treatment Stores are uniquely focused on providing products, procedures, and ingredients to achieve the goal of the treatment.