At Chocolate Company, it’s all about chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate again. Simple, and dangerously good! We call it pure temptation: the chocspreads, chocbars, hotchocspoons and of course the many bon bons are to die for. Besides all this, you can enjoy many other delicacies in this cozy lunch- and tearoom, such as freshly baked pies from a specialist in Limburg, great sandwiches, and extensive high teas or chocolate fondue.
Chocolate Company has seating for 32. You can enjoy the different chocolate treats here all day long, while sipping on a cup of coffee, tea, or a fresh smoothie. All pies are from a pastry maker in Limburg, and have and excellent price/quality ratio. Come take a look in the recently renovated store; you’ll find the best culinary (chocolate) treats here.
The true chocoholic and sweet tooth will feel right at home here. The scent of the chocolate (and all other delicacies) alone will make your mouth water. And that’s not even mentioning the sight of all the treats. The atmosphere is warm, modern, and yet homely. The owners know their regulars by name, and are very easy-going.
Looking to organize a high tea, lunch, or chocolate fondue for more than one person? Contact the store for possibilities. You can also come here for several workshops, because few things are as much fun as making your own chocolate! Since recently, you can also order the different specialties online. Tip for the holidays and other special occasions: the Chocolate Company also takes care of your Christmas- and relationship gifts. The
Haarlemmerdijk is one of the most popular shopping streets in Amsterdam,thanks to the great diversity and cooperation among shop owners.
Blanche Dael coffee, Bertjeman & Barton tea, pastry by Peter Lemmens of Maastricht, Ritzenhoff, Presenttime, Ecodesign. Those in the know, will know enough.
The pictures on this page were made by Stijn Poelstra.
Our opening hours are:
Sunday - Monday: 11:00 to 18:30
Tuedsay, Wednesday. Thirsday, Friday, Saturday: 09:30 to 18:30