Acceptance Pages ::Food and Beverage::ExtendedProfileBierbrouwerij - Grand Café Emelisse

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Bierbrouwerij - Grand Café Emelisse

Nieuweweg 7 | 4493 PA | Kamperland | p: 0031 (0)113 370262 | | |

waiconWA-card offer: 50% on the tour + 10% on the total final bill Grand Cafe

A range of guided tours are available at Emelisse Brewery and Grand Cafe in Kamperland, for example the tour about the history of beer. The process of beermaking is also explained. The guided tour can also be combined with a round of Farm Golf or Road Bowling, or a horsedrawn wagon trip. And of course visitors are given the opportunity to taste the beer.

The process of beermaking is also explained. The guided tour can also be combined with a round of Farm Golf or Road Bowling, or a horsedrawn wagon trip. And of course visitors are given the opportunity to taste the beer.



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