Do you, as entrepeneur, share our opinion that all customers deserve impeccable service and good quality products, regardless their sexual orientation, ethnic background or identity?
Do you want to appeal a large market of costumers that will certainly prefer your company before others because you promote yourself as being socially responsible?
If your answer is "yes" to both questions, we cordially invite you to register your company on the Acceptance Pages.
The Acceptancepages offer a listing of socially responsible and non-discriminating companies that can be searched and found by all visitors of the site. Members of our community can rate and review these enlisted companies and recommend them to the other members.
If you promote your company on the Acceptance Pages, you can count on a very positive respons from a dedicated, divers target group , enabling you to invest in a longterm relationship with a large and very loyal clientbase.
We have 2 types of profiles to promote your company on the Acceptancepages:
Below we give a short description of each profile

Extended Profile
An extended profile consists of 2 parts:
- a short introduction on our homepage, linked to:
- your own dedicated page, maintainable by yourself, and SEO friendly
The short description of your company on the homepage shows
- The name of your company
- address,
- zipcode,
- country,
- telephone number
- faxnumber
- emailaddress
- Rating via a votingpoll
- Short description of 250 characters
- Large photo of your company or your logo (460px wide)
- 'Add this' tool to easily share your profile on several Social Media sites
- A 'more info link' leading to your dedicated page with the same above features, as well as:
- 500 characters description
- Functionality for members to give comments/reviews on your products or service
- Hallmark of your companies location on a map
An extended profile also entitles you to other complementary services, such as:
- promotion of your special deals on our social media channels
- Twice a year, we place small advertorials of your company or products on our newspage.
- the World Acceptance quality mark which you can place on your website or in your store
Cost of an Extended Profiles: € 95, - per month
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Basic Profile
A basic profile is shown once on our homepage, but can easily be found by our visitors through our search engines.
A basic profile consists of:
- a short introduction on our homepage, linked to:
- a dedicated page for your company only, which is SEO friendly.
The short description of your company on the homepage shows
- The name of your company
- addres,
- zipcode,
- country,
- telephone number
- Acceptance rating
- Small image of your company or your logo (85px x 60px)
- 'Add this' tool to easily share your profile in several Social Media,
- A more info link leading to your dedicated page with the same above features, as well as:
- 400 characters description
- Hallmark of your companies location on a map
Cost of a basic profile: € 12, 50, per month
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World Acceptance Discount/Loyalty Program
This international World Acceptance discount program already knows 250.000 users that benefit from interesting discounts at 7000 location worldwide. Members of the World Acceptance Card loyalty program have a personal pass, entitling them to receive discounts instantly.
When you register your company on the Acceptancepages, you are not obliged to give a discount.
But just consider these advantages:
- You are in charge when it comes to the percentage of discounts. We usually recommend to give an interesting discount(for instance 10% to 30%) to attract customers that will come back, and not just the discount-hunters
- Discounts can be adjusted on a daily basis, so you can have seasonal promotions it you want to
- Exposure to the international market. From the Netherlands, Benelux, Germany, Austria and the United States
- Participating companies are also represented on the WAcard Website
- Registered companies can also apply for a white label World Acceptance Loyalty Please contact us for more information.
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Convinced to register your company on the Acceptancepages?
Sign up your company here.
If you require more information about our website, World Acceptance Loyalty Program or advertisement opportunities, contact us by email: or
telephone +31 (0)20 42 80 195